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Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day

June is National Indigenous History Month, and June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day in Canada. This is an annual reminder for Canadians to celebrate the Indigenous Nations and peoples and their history. 

We built our strategy on the foundation of the Truth and Reconciliation Report, specifically Call to Action 92. Which calls for Canadian businesses to commit to consultation and informed consent of Indigenous peoples, providing equal job opportunities, training, education, and building workplace culture of anti-racism.  

In partnership with Indigenous Nations and Indigenous-owned companies, we are on the road to helping build prosperity. Using social procurement methods, we can work directly with Nations and businesses to help circulate project dollars back into Indigenous economies. We are committed to investing in the communities we build in, helping to create wealth and capacity within local Nations.  

Recently, our team completed a new high school in Bigstone Cree Nation. The 77,500 sq. ft. School is expected to raise graduation rates in the Nation by having students closer in proximity to their education. During construction, we committed to having 15 per cent of our hourly craftworkers on the project be from the local Nation. In collaboration with Bigstone Cree Nation leaders, we hosted a job fair to find qualified Indigenous talent and created a Local Resource Log that highlights Indigenous owned sub-trade partners. By December 2023, our team had surpassed the original goal for local hourly craftworkers, reaching 32% of all hourly craftworker hours being Indigenous community members.  

While we are committed to investing in the communities we build in, helping to create wealth and capacity within Nations across Canada, we understand there is still much work to do to meet the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Report. June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day, but every day is an opportunity for people and businesses to continue working towards reconciliation.  

Learn more today.  

National Indigenous Peoples Day: https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100013718/1708446948967  

Truth and Reconciliation Report: https://nctr.ca/records/reports/ 

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